Mini Reunion 2023
MiSEPS (Michigan Society of Eye Physicians & surgeons) Annual Meeting on Mackinac Island. Great to see current, former faculty and residents. Not to mention so many alums as speakers!

Pictured left-to-right: Mark Rolain (anterior segment core faculty), Anne Nachazel (general ophthalmology faculty, retired), Shannon Martin (BEI Class of 2010), Nolan Hathaway (BEI Class of 2010), Deborah Wu (BEI Class of 2009), Alice Fecko (BEI Class of 2010), Evan Black (oculoplastics core faculty), Truman Silvasi (current PGY-4 & presenter), Sahal Saleh (current PGY-3 & presenter), Luisa DiLorenzo (general ophthalmology faculty & presenter), Maria Jancevski (anterior segment & uveitis core faculty), Holly Holm (BEI Class of 1994), Adam Weiner (BEI Class of 2019, retina core faculty & presenter), Lily VanLaere (BEI Class of 2017 & presenter), Robbie Beaulieu (oculoplastics core faculty & meeting co-chair), Matt Trese (BEI Class of 2020, retina core faculty & presenter), Lori Stec (BEI Class of 2004 & Program Director)