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Corewell Health is the new name for Beaumont.

Corewell Health Hospitals process over a million studies a year and provides a diverse array of imaging modalities and pathology with numerous outstanding fellowship- trained faculty who are dedicated and committed to resident education. For example, we are in the forefront of around-the-clock emergency imaging with one of the busiest ERs in the nation.

Our program is a Categorical Program with the Transitional Year included. This allows residents the opportunity to work alongside clinicians and patients they will serve as radiologists later on. Residents take one month of plain film during their transitional year. Additionally, this allows residents to feel comfortable dictating once they transition into a radiology resident. Residents transition to the radiology department in June of their transitional year with the radiology bootcamp.

Following transitional year, residents will continue to stay on campus for all rotations. Residents are divided between inpatient and outpatient areas. Many programs combine the inpatient and outpatient sections together. We believe the delineation is helpful for residents to learn the common pathologies in inpatient versus outpatient settings.

Residency Timeline


4 Week RotationsTYFirst YearSecond YearThird YearFourth Year
Body CT 2

Body MRI 111 
Breast Imaging  111
GI Fluoroscopy
21 1
MSK 111
Neuro 221 
Nuclear Medicine
Pediatrics 111
AIRP   1 
Core Study  
Elective   110
Radiology Boot Camp1 

Specific rotations are discussed in further detail below:

Body Imaging

  • The largest division of the department and participates in more than 270 multidisciplinary conferences each year, collaborating with many subspecialty cancer care clinics at Beaumont, and introducing residents to cutting edge cancer care
  • Exposure within the first year through ultrasound, two CT rotations, and one month of body MRI, which allows introduction to advanced imaging early on
  • During the ultrasound month, residents will have the opportunity to perform US-guided procedures such as paracentesis and thoracentesis

Breast Imaging

  • Dedicated comprehensive breast imaging center
  • State-of-the-art digital mammography and ultrasound machines, offering same day/expedited ultrasound-guided biopsies and cyst aspirations to our patients
  • Modern 3T magnet within our breast imaging center


  • During their final year, residents have eight elective rotations they can tailor to their special interests and and desired areas in which they would prefer to gain specialized training


  • Residents become competent in inpatient/outpatient fluoroscopic procedures in the 1st year
  • This allows residents to feel comfortable performing procedures during call shifts

Interventional Radiology

  • Our program offers diagnostic radiology residents hands-on experience with the full spectrum of diagnostic and interventional procedures during rotations in our vascular and body interventional divisions, throughout the four years of residency. This allows residents to advance in their procedural skills and develop autonomy consistently.
  • Residents get dedicated experience in body procedures such as CT and US-guided solid organ and lymph node biopsies, drain placements for fluid collections/abscesses, thoracentesis, and paracentesis.
  • Residents also get dedicated experience in vascular interventional procedures such as central venous catheter placement, percutaneous nephrostomy tubes, biliary drain placement, extremity thrombolysis for arterial occlusion, and IVC filter placement, as well as more advanced procedures such as GI bleed embolization, pulmonary embolus thrombolysis, and TIPS.
  • Full-spectrum of interventional oncology services includes radioembolization, drug-eluting beads, chemoembolization and tumor ablation.
  • Venous interventions including varicose vein therapy, thrombolysis and fibroid embolization are a few of the innovative procedures being performed.
  • During neuroradiology rotations, residents also have the opportunity to participate in neuro-interventional procedures, including stroke thrombolysis, aneurysm coiling, and vertebroplasty/kyphoplasty.


  • Residents receive comprehensive training, including all imaging modalities and techniques covering all types of pathology from orthopedic oncology and pediatric advanced imaging, to interventional musculoskeletal procedures
  • Training in all aspects of imaging ranging from neonatal to adult brain, spine, and head and neck imaging.
  • Exposure to advanced techniques such as DTI, CTP, MR perfusion, spectroscopy, functional MRI, and fetal MRI
  • Perform lumbar punctures, myelograms, blood patches, and intrathecal chemotherapy injections.
  • Attend a weekly multidisciplinary neuro tumor board conference

Nuclear Medicine

  • Complete four months of nuclear medicine within the four - year residency.
    • During each rotation, residents will rotate through general nuclear medicine and PET imaging and will also participate in thyroid I-131 therapies.

Pediatric Radiology

  • Stay on campus for pediatric rotations at Beaumont Children's Hospital and work with dedicated pediatric radiology attending for a total of 3 months
  • Read various imaging modalities including x-ray, US, CT, MRI and also perform fluoroscopic exams
  • Our residents interact with medical students and our pediatrics rotators. This allows clinical/imaging interaction that the radiology residents greatly benefit from. It creates a better educational environment to learn pediatric Imaging, both as a pediatrician and as a radiologist

Residency Programs

Fellowship Programs

Fellowship Programs
(no ACGME Accreditation)

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Corewell Health is Michigan's largest health care system providing compassionate, extraordinary care to patient and families. Your partner in education and development.