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Medical Student Rotations, Grosse Pointe

Corewell Health has been teaching and training medical students for more than 55 years. Teaching and learning good medicine requires observation and practice. This is present in our dedicated faculty who are passionate about the learning process and committed to medical education. They are excellent role models to the students and on many occasions, have become lifetime mentors. Practice through repetition is essential in medical training.

Corewell Health Beaumont Grosse Pointe Hospital offers many elective rotations for fourth-year medical students representing several medical schools. These electives include internal medicine, surgery and pediatrics.


If you are a senior medical student, or entering your senior year of school, and are attending an AOA Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA) institution, or the U.S. LCME accredited institution, please apply to our electives through VSAS (Visit Student Application Service).

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Corewell Health is Michigan's largest health care system providing compassionate, extraordinary care to patient and families. Your partner in education and development.