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Corewell Health is the new name for Beaumont.


Application fee: $10 (check or money order only; sent to the program’s mailing address or delivered in-person at the interview)

Stipend:  The program does not offer any stipend.

Tuition:  The program is tuition-free with a 2-year work agreement upon program graduation. See Tuition Waiver option below for details.

Tuition (non-refundable): $5,000

  • Program tuition is $5,000 IF student wishes to elect this option.
  • Payment will be due in full the first day of the month of the scheduled program start date.
  • Payment will be accepted via credit card or check/money order payable to: Corewell Health School of Medical Laboratory Science. 
  • Any student who misses the tuition payment will automatically default to the 2-year work agreement option.
  • Any student who withdraws or is dismissed from the program will receive no refund of previous tuition payment.

Tuition Waiver Option:  The program tuition may be waived for a 2-year work agreement upon program graduation. Employment can be at any Corewell Health campus and any shift, full-time or part-time. The signed tuition waiver agreement will be due at a program orientation. The program director will provide additional details during the interview.

Textbooks (approximate): $200-300 (Students are expected to purchase on their own from provided list.)

Uniform scrubs/shoes: Students are expected to purchase on their own

  • scrubs - dark pewter grey
  • shoes - non-canvas, non-slip work or athletic shoes with closed toe and heel

National certification exam fee: $250 (paid to ASCP BOC upon program graduation)

Housing, food and living expenses: $ varies per student. Note: There are no meal, housing or stipend programs.

Transportation: $ varies per student based on place of residence

Scholarships and award opportunities

The program does not offer any stipend or scholarships.

Scholarships from various laboratory professional organizations are available to qualified students. Information and applications can be found at the professional organization websites listed below:

American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP<)

American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS)

    American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)

    American Proficiency Institute

    Part-Time Work

    Students can work in contingent lab assistant positions outside program hours. Please visit the Corewell Health Careers page to search for open positions.

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    Corewell Health is Michigan's largest health care system providing compassionate, extraordinary care to patient and families. Your partner in education and development.