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Dietetic Internship

The Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital Dietetic Internship Program is a post baccalaureate program for individuals who have met requirements for the completion of a didactic program in dietetics and hold a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. Or graduate students in the Oakland University Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Health Systems meeting the basic requirements of the dietetic internship program will be given priority admission to the dietetic internship for the second year of the graduate degree. 

The dietetic internship program is offered as a 31-week, full-time, certificate program. Successful graduates of the program are eligible to sit for the registration exam from the Commission on Dietetic Registration (CDR), as long as they have completed the master's program through Oakland University or entered the Dietetic Internship program with a masters.


Our program goals are to:

  • prepare graduates to become competent entry-level registered dietitians
  • prepare and develop graduates to become leaders in medical nutrition therapy in the nutrition and dietetic profession

Accreditation Status

The program was granted full Accreditation in 2013 from the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND). The Accreditation Term ends June 30, 2028.

For more information, contact ACEND by mail at 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190, Chicago Illinois 60606-6995, by phone at 800/877-1600, ext. 5400 or by email

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