This page describes the processes to claim CME credit through Corewell Health Southeast Michigan. The process differs according to the type of event:
Credits must be claimed during the calendar year in which they were completed.
Regularly Scheduled Series
(Grand rounds, tumor board, case conference, M&M, journal club, etc.)
Text the unique event code to 833-256-8397 or claim credits online.
Live Courses
Specific instructions are provided at the beginning of the course instructing you to sign-in, text-in, and complete the online evaluation. Refer to the CME handout provided at the event for specific details.
Internet Enduring Materials
(on demand, archived modules)
Specific instructions are included within each web module instructing you to complete and pass a post-test and evaluation online.
Osteopathic In-House Committees and Medical Education Lectures
For osteopathic medical education didactic lecturing, complete the online form here. All medical education lectures given must be submitted to this form during
the quarter in which the teaching occurred. All submissions will be validated and submitted to the AOA every quarter; late submissions will not be accepted/reported.
For in-house committees, physicians must submit a form directly to the AOA;
a maximum of 5 CME can be earned for committee meeting attendance per 3-year AOA CME cycle. Access the AOA committee form here.