Wellness Activities
Our community-focused residency program has developed a unique longitudinal curriculum that builds upon the existing literature of eight dimensions of physician wellness with a fusion of integrative medicine-based components. Throughout the three-year residency, learners will be experientially introduced to concepts such as mind-body techniques, humanities in medicine, nutritional well-being, and exercise science.
The main outcome for this program is for residents to build and maintain their individual self-care plans which will be monitored and revised monthly to increase adherence and identify challenges. Highlights have included:
- visits from the therapy dogs at the hospital
- regular wellness sessions including yoga
- empowerment and advocacy sessions
- resident lounge equipped with entertainment center and fitness equipment
During the COVID pandemic, our residency hosted biweekly check-ins with our clinical psychologist and various online social gatherings to check in with one another. Additionally, the Grosse Pointe community came together and supplied a food pantry for
our resident physicians.
Social events and fun activities are planned throughout the year that highlight the mentorship and camaraderie amongst our faculty and resident physicians.